I realized that my comment was misleading, so I prefer to put a complete answer.
In Demailly's proof at some point you end up with a countable open cover $\{V_j\}$ of your complex manifold $X$ and a family of non-negative smooth psh functions $\{v_j\}$ such that $v_j$ is strictly psh on $V_j$. Then you want to sum them together in order to obtain a smooth non-negative strictly psh function $v$ on the whole of $X$.
At this point Demailly claims that you can choose a sequence of real numbers $\varepsilon_j>0$ converging to zero so fast that
converges in the $C^{\infty}$-topology. This of course would suffice to get the desired function $v$, right?
I shall give you all the details for the $C^0$-convergence and I'll leave you the task to fill it out for the derivatives.
Fix an exhaustion by compact sets $\{K_\nu\}$ of $X$ and set
Now, for each $j\ge 1$ select a $\eta_j>\max_{1\le\nu\le j}\{\alpha_{j,\nu}\}$. Finally, set $\varepsilon_j:=1/(\eta_j2^j)$.
To check uniform convergence on compacta note that for any given compact set $K\subset X$ you have that $K\subset K_{\nu_0}$ for some $\nu_0$, so that, for $j\ge\nu_0$, you have
\max_{K}|\varepsilon_j v_j|\le\max_{K_{\nu_0}}|\varepsilon_j v_j|=\frac{\alpha_{j,\nu_0}}{\eta_j 2^j}<\frac 1{2^j}.
To obtain the $C^\infty$-convergence, you have to deal with the topology generated by all seminorms $p_L^s$ when $s,L,\Omega$ vary, where $s\in\mathbb N$, $\Omega$ is a coordinate open set with coordinates $(x_1,\dots,x_m)$ and $L\subset \Omega$ is a compact subset. They are defined by
p^s_L(f)=\max_{x\in L}\max_{|\ell|\le s}|D^\ell f(x)|,
where $\ell=(\ell_1,\dots,\ell_m)\in\mathbb N^m$, $|\ell|=\ell_1+\cdots+\ell_m$ and
D^\ell f:=\frac{\partial^{|\ell|}f}{\partial x_1^{\ell_1}\cdots\partial x_m^{\ell_m}}.
The way to define a sequence $\{\varepsilon_j\}$ which works simultaneously for all derivatives is essentially the same, except for the flurry of subscripts...