I was wondering if anybody can direct me to a paper or a book regarding the volume of $Gr(2,4) $ or generic complex Grassmanian manifolds of order $k$. My own heuristic method seems not to work! It is based on the adaption of the same procedure one has to follow for finding the volume of complex projective spaces $\mathbb{C}P^n$ using Hopf fibration $\mathbb{C}P^n\cong S^{2n+1}/S^1$. Here the volume can be roughly given by dividing the volume of $2n+1-$sphere by volume of $S^1$. Therefore in analogy with this example, we can estimate the volume of $Gr(k,n)$ by dividing the volume of $U(n)$ by that of $U(n-k) \times U(k)$ which gives me $12\pi^4 r^{16}$ for $Gr(2,4)$ where $r$ is the radius of $S^1$ and I don't like it because $Gr(2,4) $ is $8$ dimensional!
Thanks in Advance AB