Is the stable homotopy category idempotent complete? I have not been able to prove it, and the proof for abelian groups seems to strongly rely on looking at elements.
Thanks, Jon
Is the stable homotopy category idempotent complete? I have not been able to prove it, and the proof for abelian groups seems to strongly rely on looking at elements.
Thanks, Jon
Yes, this is a standard fact. Given a self-map $e\colon X\to X$, we write $e^{-1}X$ for the telescope of the sequence $X\xrightarrow{e}X\xrightarrow{e}X\xrightarrow{e}\dotsb$ (constructed as the cofibre of a suitable self-map of $\bigvee_{i=0}^\infty X$). If $e$ is idempotent, one can check that the natural map $X\to e^{-1}X\vee (1-e)^{-1}X$ is an equivalence, and that $e$ acts as the identity on the first factor and as zero on the second; in other words, we have a splitting of $e$.