Over on the nlab, I was looking at the page for fully formal ETCS and one clause stood out, namely the one for "well-pointedness", namely:
$$(s(f) = s(g) \wedge t(f) = t(g)) \vdash \forall_h (s(h) = 1 \wedge t(h) = s(f) \wedge f \circ h = g \circ h) \Rightarrow f = g$$
My question: what is the meta-logic which is used here? This is the first time where I see entailment so internalized in the logic that it can be used at the left hand side of a logical implication.
Edit: I was recently rereading this, and I finally spotted my error: I simply misread where the parentheses belonged! So there is no foundational issue here at all.