Let $E$ and $E'$ be elliptic curves over a field $K$ of characteristic zero such that $E$ and $E'$ are non-isogenous over $\bar{K}$. Let $l$ be a large prime and suppose that $K(x(E[l]))=K(x(E'[l]))$ (where these are the fields obtained by adjoining the $x$-coordinates of $l$-torsion points). Then does it follow that $K(E[l])=K(E'[l])$?
Edit: Strengthen the hypothesis so that $K$ contains the roots of unity, $E$ and $E'$ are non-CM, and that the image of Galois on the $l$-adic Tate modules of $E$ and $E'$ is as large as possible i.e $SL_2(\mathbb{Z}_l)$.