Let $\xi_{1},\xi_{2},\ldots$ be a sequence of independent random variables with mean 0. For simplicity, assume that each $\xi_{i}$ only takes two values in $[-1,1]$.
Let $\mathscr{F}$ denote the collection of all non-empty finite subsets of $\mathbb{N} = \{1,2,\ldots\}$. We think of $\mathscr{F}$ as a directed set, ordered by inclusion $\subseteq$. For $F \in \mathscr{F}$ define $$\zeta_{F} = \tfrac{1}{|F|}\sum_{i \in F}\xi_{i}.$$
Question: Is it true that the net $(\zeta_{F})_{F \in \mathscr{F}}$ converges to 0 almost surely?
"Converges to zero" means that for each $\epsilon > 0$ there is a $G_{\epsilon} \in \mathscr{F}$ such that $|\zeta_{F}| < \epsilon$ for each $F \in \mathscr{F}$ with $F \supseteq G_{\epsilon}$.