Let $(G,K)$ be a Gelfand pair. Why, for a function $f$ $K$-binvariant with respect to a compact subgroup $K$ of a group $G$, do we have the following equality: $$ f(xy) = \int_K f(xky) \, dk$$
A function $ f : G \to \mathbb{C} $ is $ K $-binvariant if for all $ k_1, k_2 \in K $ and $ x \in G $ $$ f(k_1 x k_2) = f(x). $$
\( \)
, so\(f\)
comes out (f), but, perversely, does obey\\\\( \\\\)
(although apparently not in comments:\\\\(f\\\\)
shows up as \\\(f\\\) (not a typo!)). See Having the MO Mathjax parser recognise\( \)
is a regex away. I have edited accordingly. (Also, the usual spelling is "biinvariant", three 'i's, or "bi-invariant", rather than "binvariant", two 'i's.) $\endgroup$