Question: let $f : X \to S$ be a smooth proper morphism of schemes. Under what circumstances is it true that $R^i f_* \mathcal{O}_X$ is a locally-free sheaf whose formation commutes with all base change?
Cases I understand:
(1) if $S$ is reduced and noetherian then $\dim_{\kappa(s)} H^0(X_s, \mathcal{O}_{X_s})$ is constant because the fibers are reduced (see Tag 0E1E) so by Grauert's theorem $f_* \mathcal{O}_X$ is locally free and commutes with all base change. Using the commutative with base change we then reduce to the noetherian setting by noetherian approximation.
(2) if furthermore $S$ is a smooth variety over a field of characteristic zero, then by Hodge theory and Ehresmann's lemma, all $R^i f_* \Omega^j_{X/S}$ are locally free and commute with base change.
(3) If $f$ is a relative smooth connected curve then this follows from Tag 0E6B for $i = 0$ and then for $i = 1$ by Cohomology and base change.
(4) Mumford's book shows this is true for abelian schemes.
Remy pointed out this fails over characteristic p dvrs for $i > 0$.
If $S$ is not reduced, even the case $i = 0$ is not clear to me. If $S$ is reduced, this question is equivalent to asking if top cohomology $H^r(X_s, \mathcal{O}_{X_s})$ is locally of constant dimension on $S$.
Remaining cases:
(1) is it true in general if $S$ has characteristic zero?
(2) does it always hold for $i = 0$?