Say in a category, for any two objects $A,B$, we have an isomorphism $\iota_{AB}:A\to B$ with the property that $\iota_{BC}\circ\iota_{AB}=\iota_{AC}$ and $\iota_{AA}=\mathit{id}$.
Essentially, such a (family of) isomorphisms canonically identifies all objects in the category.
Is there a name for this property?
- In the category of singleton sets, there is a unique isomorphism between any two objects, it has this property.
- In the category of one-dimensional vector spaces with designated bases, there is a unique isomorphism that maps a basis state to a basis state. It has this property. (This is the situation I am faced with and I want to use a standard term for this notion in my paper, if at all possible.)
- In the category of totally ordered sets of a fixed finite cardinality $n$, the unique order preserving bijection between objects has this property.