I tried to find a required example, but failed (I share my findings below). Nevertheless, it seems rather strange to me if there is no such example, so I hope that it can be constructed.
A natural idea is to look for rather dense graphs of geometric thickness two. Density of the latter graphs was studied in [HSV].
There is shown that for each natural $n\ge 4$, any $n$-vertex graph of geometric thickness two has at most $6n−18$ edges.
On the other hand, according to Theorem 1 from [DGM], for each $n\ge 9$ there exists an $n$-vertex graph of geometric thickness two with $6n−19$ edges.
We start from complete graphs. The graph $K_9$ has thickness three [BHK, T] and the biggest order of a complete graph of geometric thickness two is eight, see Theorem 2.1 from [DEH] or [HSV, 2.1]. But the graph $K_8$ has the disconnected drawing, see Fig. 2 from [HSV]. Moreover, as far as I can see at Fig. 3 from [DGM], even the complete graph $K_9$ minus one edge has the disconnected drawing.
The complete bipartite graphs of geometric thickness two were less promising candidates, because they are rather sparse. Indeed, it is easy to construct the disconnected drawing of the graph $K_{4,k}$ for any natural $k$ and the disconnected drawing of the graph $K_{6,6}$ is shown at Figure 2 from [DEH].
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