This is the same question as an earlier question of mine, except in a different category.
Let $Spt_{T(h)}^{fin}$ be the category of finite $T(h)$-local spectra. Let $K_0^\oplus(Spt_{T(h)}^{fin})$ be the direct-sum $K$-theory of the category. This is a nonunital algebra over $\mathbb Z[\Sigma, \Sigma^{-1}]$.
Question: Let $X \in Spt_{T(h)}^{fin}$. Then must the class $[X] \in K_0^\oplus(Spt_{T(h)}^{fin})$ be integral over $\mathbb Z[\Sigma, \Sigma^{-1}]$?
I suspect the answer is no in general, but the obstruction identified by Nick Kuhn in $K_0^\oplus(Spt^{fin})$ uses the action of the Steenrod algebra and doesn't work here.
I'm also interested in the analogous questions where "$T(h)$" is replaced by "$K(h)$" and/or "finite" is replaced by "dualizable" or "in the thick subcategory generated by the sphere".
The answer is yes if $h = 0$. I'd be interested to understand any other special case. For instance, when $p$ is large compared to $h$, the answer might be closer to "yes". For another instance, things might just be tractable when $h = 1$.