Fix a faithful functor $\Gamma: \mathsf C\longrightarrow \mathsf{Set}$ and think of it as the "underlying points". When it exists, a left adjoint $\mathrm{disc}\dashv \Gamma$ can be thought of as the "discrete objects" functor. When it exists, a further left adjoint $\pi_0\dashv \mathrm{disc}\dashv \Gamma$ can be thought of as "connected components.
For $\mathsf C$ the category of graphs and graph morphisms, $\pi_0$ takes a graph to the set of its connected components, where vertices lie in the same component if they are connected by a path.
For $\mathsf C$ the category of directed graphs, the same assertion holds.
Question. How to modify the adjunction above to obtain a "strongly connected components" functor? Vertices of a directed graph are strongly connected if there is a path between them in each direction.