In the end of the Voevodsky’s lectures on cross functors, P. Deligne considers a couple of axioms which define (using the vocabulary of Ayoub's thesis) a stable homotopical 2-functor. Among them, we have that
- (Homotopy invariance) If $p$ is the projection $\mathbb{A}^1_X\to X$, the adjunction morphism $\operatorname{id}\to p_*p^*$ is an isomorphism;
- (Stability) If $s$ is the zero-section of $p$, then $p_\#\circ s_+$ is an equivalence of categories. (Where $p_\#$ is the left adjoint of $p^*$, which exists since $p$ is smooth.)
He then affirms that the two axioms above are well known in the $\ell$-adic setting. My first question then is: how are they proven? (I think a description of the proof would be nice for the MO community, but I would also be happy with a reference.)
The axiom of homotopy invariance surely axiomatises what its name describes: in Sheaves and Manifolds, M. Kashiwara and P. Shapira deduce the homotopy invariance of sheaf cohomology from the fact that the projection $X\times [0,1]\to X$ satisfies the axiom above. The axiom 1 then refers to this.
Now, I don't really understand whats the role of the axiom 2 (of "stability"). (Perhaps because I don't really have much of an intuition for $p_\#$.) So my second question is: how should one think about this axiom? Perhaps it is more intuitive in the $\ell$-adic context?