Let finite group $G$ act on a finite set $X$ and hence on colorings $Y^X$, where $Y=\{1,2,\ldots,k\}$ is a set of colors. The Burnside-Pólya-Redfield-etc. counting theorem says that the number of orbits of $G$ acting on $Y^X$ is $$ \frac{1}{\#G} \sum_{g \in G} k^{c(g)},$$ where for $g\in G$, we use $c(g)$ to denote the number of cycles of the permutation $g\colon X \to X$.
Note that this number $P(k)$ is a polynomial in $k$, and it is an integer, so by the basic theory of integer-valued polynomials there are integral constants $a_j \in \mathbb{Z}$ such that $P(k) = \sum_j a_j\binom{k}{j}$. (Recall $\binom{x}{j} := x(x-1)\ldots(x-(j-1))/j!$.)
Question: is there a simple formula for these $a_j$?
This must've been considered before, but a cursory Googling did not lead me to anything.