Let $\Omega$ be the open unit ball in $\mathbb R^n$. Consider the set $\mathcal D$ of continuous functions $f:\Omega \to \mathbb R$ that are differentiable a.e, and with $|\nabla f| \leq 1$ wherever $f$ is differentiable.
Question: What is the value of
$$\frac{1}{\mu(\Omega)} \sup_{f \in \mathcal D} \inf_{g \in C^{\infty}(\Omega)} \int_{\Omega} |\nabla f - \nabla g| d\mu?$$
Remarks: The value of the expression is between $0$ to $1$ inclusive, as can be seen by taking $g$ to be a constant function. The “most likely” values to me are either $0$ or $1$, though I would be pleasantly surprised if it took an intermediate value!
Note: Here $\mu$ denotes the standard Lebesgue measure on $\Omega$.