EDIT: Based on comments, I've decided to essentially rewrite this question. My apologies to those who commented below, whose comments seem a bit off topic when you try to match them with the current question. I've also posted a better-thought out follow-up here.
Lots of people like to study torus actions on varieties and manifolds, and in particular, like to study their fixed points. Most people I know just think about fixed points as a set, but they have a canonical scheme structure which carries more information.
As Bcnrd points out below, this subscheme of a scheme $X$ over a field $k$ is defined by looking at the functor on $k$-algebras defined abstractly by the $(\mathbb{G}_m)_A$-invariant points of $X(A)$. As Dave Anderson points out, if $X=\mathrm{Spec}(R)$, then this is simply the subscheme defined by the ideal generated by all elements of non-zero weight $I=R^{>0}R+R^{<0}R$.
For example, consider $R=\mathbb{C}[x,y,z]/(xy=z^n)$ where $x$ has weight 1, $y$ has weight -1 and $z$ has weight 0. In this case $I=(x,y)$, so $X^{\mathbb{G}_m}=\mathrm{Spec} \:\:\:\mathbb{C}[z]/(z^n)$. So, as you can see, the fixed point scheme doesn't have to be reduced, though if $X^{\mathbb{G}_m}$ is 0-dimensional, this can only happen if $X$ is not regular at the corresponding fixed point.
Now, imagine $X$ has a $\mathbb{G}_m$-equivariant resolution of singularities $\tilde X$, with a compatible $\mathbb{G}_m$ action, and $\tilde X^{\mathbb{G}_m}$ also 0 dimensional.
Can I conclude anything about the length of $X^{\mathbb{G}_m}$ from knowing the length of $\tilde X^{\mathbb{G}_m}$ (which is just the number of fixed $k$-points by smoothness of $\tilde X$)? In a number of examples I'm looking at, these turn out to be equal, and I'm wondering how general a phenomenon this is.
For example, the example $R=\mathbb{C}[x,y,z]/(xy=z^n)$ has a resolution with $n$ fixed points, and indeed, that's the length of $X^{\mathbb{G}_m}$.
Now, the examples I'm looking at have special features which may or may not be revelant, but I mention them in case they strike a chord.
I'm looking at examples where $\tilde X$ is symplectic, and the $\mathbb{G}_m$-action is Hamiltonian.
Also in my examples, $\tilde X$ has a smooth $\mathbb{G}_m$-equivariant deformation $\tilde Y$, where the generic fiber is affine, and the fixed point scheme $\tilde Y^{\mathbb{G}_m}$ is flat and finite over the base.