I'm finally at the end of Milnor's "On manifolds homeomorphic to the 7-sphere", and I stumbled upon something I cant figure out...
For those with the reference I'm talking about "lemma 5", it goes something like this, you have two $\mathbb{S}^3$ bundles over $\mathbb{S}^4$, we want to obtain the total space of this bundle, so you glue them via the transition function, one can think of this as having a pair of copies of $(\mathbb{R}^4 \setminus \{0\}) \times \mathbb{S}^3$ and gluing them by identifiying $(u,v) \mapsto (u',v')=(u / \|u\|^2, u^hvu^j/\|u\|)$ where $u$ and $v$ are quaternions, so far so good, now Milnor states that if $h+j =1$ then this manifold is a $7$-sphere, his reason is that the function $f(x) = \mathfrak{R}(v)/(1+\|u\|^2)^{1/2}$ is a morse function, this with the "first" coordinate chart, for the second he defines $u'' = u'(v')^{-1}$ and substitutes $(u',v')$ for $(u'',v')$ stating that the function $f$ is now given by $\mathfrak{R}(u'')/(1+\|u''\|^2)^{1/2}$. He then says "It is easily verified that f has only two critical points (namely $(u,v) = \pm (0,1)$) and that these are nondegenerate".
That's where I get lost; I don't understand his change of coordinates $(u',v') \mapsto (u'',v')$, nor why he states the function is now the one stated... I tried developing the algebra but I can't get it to work out, I thought maybe he was using the involution $v \mapsto v^{-1}$ somehow but it doesn't add up either...