I am currently trying to understand the properties of Deligne-Lusztig induction, following Carter's Finite groups of Lie type and Digne-Michel's Representations of finite groups of Lie type. I am reasonably satisfied with the construction, but I am having difficulty understanding the proofs of the properties of the Deligne-Lusztig induction functor (it is worth noting that these two books have very different approaches to this theory, and as I am bouncing back-and-forth to fill in gaps, I may be missing something obvious). I am specifically interested in the simple case of inducing from a torus to a Borel, so I will try to simplify definitions and statements where possible.
In Digne-Michel (Definition 11.1), the DL functor $R_{T \subset B}^G$ is the generalised induction functor associated to the $G^F$ -module-$T^F$ afforded by $H^*_{c}(L^{-1}(U))$. Here $B=TU$ is the Levi decomposition of the Borel subgroup $B$, $L : G \to G$ is the Lang map and $H^*_c$ is $l$-adic cohomology with compact support. If (like me) you have difficulty visualising this representation, we can concretely realise the DL functor on the level of characters by the formula $$R_{T \subset B}^G(\theta)(g) = \frac{1}{|T^F|} \sum_{t \in T^F} \theta(t^{-1}) \mathcal{L}((g, t), L^{-1}(U))$$ where $\mathcal{L}((g,t), L^{-1}(U))$ denotes the Leftschetz number of the right-left multiplication action of $(g,t)$ on $L^{-1}(U)$. This is Proposition 11.2 in Digne-Michel.
The authors then remark that there is an adjoint functor $^* R^G_{T \subset B}$, called DL restriction, which can be given explicitly by the formula $$^* R^G_{T \subset B}(\psi)(t) = \frac{1}{|G^F|} \sum_{g \in G^F} \psi(g^{-1}) \mathcal{L}((g,t), L^{-1}(U)).$$
Question 1: Why does $R^G_{T \subset B}$ admit an adjoint functor? This is not (to my knowledge) elaborated upon at all in either of the books I am following.
Question 2: I guessed that one can prove $R^G_{T \subset B}$ admits an adjoint functor by using some abstract category theoretic condition, and then simply define $^* R^G_{T \subset B}$ as the adjoint. If this is the approach, then we get Frobenius reciprocity for free, but I don't know where the above formula comes from. If, on the other, we define $^* R^G_{T \subset B}$ by the above formula (which certainly seems like a very reasonable guess for an adjoint), how does one prove Frobenius reciprocity? Which of these is the easier/standard approach?
Question 3: Regardless of how one defines $^* R^G_{T \subset B}$, is $(R^G_{T \subset B}, ^* R^G_{T \subset B})$ a bi-adjoint pair? I know that standard induction agrees with co-induction for finite groups, but I have very little intuition for DL induction and I cannot make a guess either way.