A topological space $X$ is $\mathbb Z$-formal, if the singular cochain complex $C^*(X,\mathbb Z)$ is quasi-isomorphic to $H^*(X, \mathbb Z)$ as an augmented differential graded ring.
It's quite simple to write down specific quasi-isomorphisms to show that the Spheres $S^n$ are $\mathbb Q$-formal spaces by fixing a volume form $v \in \Omega^n(S^n)$ and considering the maps $H^*(S^n)=\operatorname{span}(1,[v]) \to \Omega^*(S^n)$ sending $1$ to the $1$-form and $[v]$ to $v$ and the canonical map $C^*(S^n) \to \Omega^*$.
Is it also possible to show the $\mathbb Z$-formality of the Spheres $S^n$ by writing down specific quasi-isomorphisms, or is it easier to use another method for showing $\mathbb Z$-formality?