I think I may have found what I neededsomething useful: the usual Double Centralizer Theorem (as say in Herstein, "Noncommutative Rings, Th. 4.3.2, or Rowen, "Ring Theory - Student Edition", Th. 7.1.9) does not apply, as indicated, due to lack of finite-dimensionality over the centre. However, one can apply Rieffel's (Double Centralizer) Theorem, as say found in Lam, "A First Course in Noncommutative Rings", Th. 3.11, or Lang "Algebra 3.ed", Th. XVII.5.4, byis nearer the mark (by taking the small skew field $D$ as the simple ring resp.involved), but the large skew field of the extension as the non-zero module involvedis not an ideal of $D$ ... something is still missing, I'm afraid ... St.