In his excellent monograph "Lectures on Modules and Rings" (GTM 189), T.Y. Lam remarks (10.13), p. 302, that there is no direct method of computing the kernel of the (co-)unit of the adjunction when localizing a ring $R$ w.r.t. a right denominator set $S$. My question then: Is there really no way of identifying $\text{ker}\,\varepsilon$ "from scratch", i.e. as $\left{r\in R:rs=0\text{ for some }s\in S\right}$$\lbrace r\in R \;:\; rs=0$ for some $s\in S\rbrace$, just from the desired universal property (but still assuming that $S$ is a right denominator set) ? Any help/insightful comments would be dearly appreciated !
Kind regards and thank you in advance, St.