Let $X_t, t\geq 0$ be a Poisson process with rate parameter $\lambda$. Compute the karhunen-loeve expansion of $X$ in interval [0, T]. How about the KL expansion of the centered process $X_t-\lambda t$?
The auto-correlation function of poisson process is $R(s,t)=\lambda^2 st + \lambda \min(s,t)$. By definition, KL expansion should satisfy $\int_0^T R(s,t) \phi_n(t) dt = \lambda_n \phi_n(s)$.
I've problems figuring out how to solve the integrated equation.
For wiener process, this link (Karhunen–Loève approximation of Brownian motion and diffusionsKarhunen–Loève approximation of Brownian motion and diffusions) and wikipedia article on KL expansion was useful.