If by a normal character you mean a normal morphism of C*-algebras A→C, then every commutative von Neumann algebra canonically decomposes as a product of its atomic and diffuse parts, the atomic part canonically decomposes as a product ∏i∈IC, and the set of normal characters is canonically isomorphic to I. In geometric terms, every measurable space is a disjoint union of its atomic and diffuse parts, and the atomic part is a disjoint union of points, which can be identified with the normal characters of A. The only natural topology on the set of normal characters is the discrete topology, in particular the weak topology induced by A is discrete.
To answer the other question, if we take all characters (not necessarily normal), i.e., the spectrum of the underlying C-algebra, then the resulting space is hyperstonean. Furthermore, for the von Neumann envelope of a commutative C-algebra A the resulting map of compact Hausdorff spaces C-Spec(W-env(A))→C-Spec(A) is the hyperstonean cover of C-Spec(A).
Alternatively, one can invoke the Gelfand-Neumark theorem for commutative von Neumann algebras, which states in particular that the opposite category of the category of commutative von Neumann algebras is equivalent to the category of measurable locales, which in its turn embeds fully faithfully in the category of locales, which is very similar to the category of topological spaces (and contains Hausdorff topological spaces as a full subcategory). Thus the spectrum of a commutative von Neumann algebra is a locale, and bounded functions on this locale are precisely the elements of the original commutative von Neumann algebra. Of course, the argument above proves that the interesting part of this locale (the one that corresponds to the diffuse part of the original von Neumann algebra) has no points (but it is highly nontrivial anyway), in particular it is nonspatial, i.e., does not come from a topological space and thus provides an example of a pointfree / pointless topological space. Arguably this fact can be seen as yet another argument for replacing topological spaces by locales in mathematics.