Stan Wagon, coauthor of the award-winning article
"A Stroll through the Gaussian Primes,"
became intrigued, and sent me these two stunning images.
The first is a different rendering of the 2,956-cycle I posted earlier:
Polygon Cycle
The second is a
cycle of
316,268 primes he found:
Rorschach Cycle
(seed: $232+277 i$). [Apologies for the loss of resolution converting for this forum.]
Soon there will be a Mathematica Demonstration Project on this topic; it currently awaits approval.
Update. The Mathematica Demo is available at this link:
Mma Demo
Using a modification of this code, Stan has found a cycle of length 3,900,404. Seed: $107 + 992 i$.
(*16Feb13*): Stan Wagon worked with Walter Stromquist, the editor of *[Mathematics Magazine][2]*, on the cover of the February 2013 issue, which displays the spiral immediately above: