I would like to expand on Guild of Pepperers's answer by noting that the zeros are essentially uniformly spaced and may easily be approximated to a high degree of accuracy. Using Stirling approximation, I obtained the formula $$ \Gamma\left(\frac12+it\right) = \sqrt{\frac{2\pi}{1+e^{-2\pi|t|}}}\exp\left(-\frac\pi2|t|+i(t\log|t|-t+\varepsilon(t))\right), $$ valid for real $t$, where the error $\varepsilon(t)$ is an odd, bounded, real-valued function asymptotically equal to $\frac{1}{24t}$. (Indeed, $\varepsilon(t)$ has asymptotic and convergent expansions coming from the asymptotic and convergent versions of Stirling approximation, respectively.) We then have, for $s = \frac12+it$ on the critical line, $$ \Gamma(s)+\Gamma(1-s) = 2\sqrt{\frac{2\pi}{1+e^{-2\pi|t|}}}e^{-\frac\pi2|t|}\cos\left(t\log|t|-t+\varepsilon(t)\right), $$ $$ \Gamma(s)-\Gamma(1-s) = 2\sqrt{\frac{2\pi}{1+e^{-2\pi|t|}}}e^{-\frac\pi2|t|}\sin\left(t\log|t|-t+\varepsilon(t)\right). $$ One may show by means fair or foul that $t\log|t|-t+\varepsilon(t)$ is monotonically increasing for $|t|\geq1.05$, is bounded between -0.96$-0.96$ and 0.96$0.96$ for $|t|<1.05$, and is only zero when t = 0. Therefore, the zeros of $\Gamma(s)+\Gamma(1-s)$ on the critical line occur, with multiplicity one, very near those $t$ for which $t\log|t|-t$ is an odd integer multiple of $\frac{\pi}{2}$, and similarly for $\Gamma(s)-\Gamma(1-s)$ and the even integer multiples of $\frac{\pi}{2}$.
It's interesting that the number of zeros up to a given height $T$ is of the same order of magnitude, $T \log(T)$, as for the Riemann zeta function, but that these zeros have (essentially) uniform spacings rather than GUE spacings.