Listing examples is easy in Banach space theory.
(1950) R.C.James' construction of non-reflexive (Banach) space isometric to its bidual.
(1972) P. Enflo's example of a separable space without approximation property and thus without Schauder basis.
(1974) R.C.James' construction of a space whose dual is non-separable and all of its subspaces contain a copy of $\ell_2$.
(1974) B. Tsirelson's space without $c_0$ and $\ell_p$.
(1975) P. Enflo's example of an operator without non-trivial invariant subspaces.
(1993) Gowers and Maurey's construction of a space such that no infinite dimensional subspace has a non-trivial complemented subspace (hereditarily indecomposable).
(2010) Argyros and Haydon's construction of a space on which every operator is a scalar multiple of the identity plus a compact operator (see Gowers' blogGowers' blog).