In his remarkable thesis Douady proved that, given a compact complex analytic space $X$, the set $H(X)$ of analytic subspaces of $X$ has itself a natural structure of analytic space .
If $X=\mathbb P^n(\mathbb C)$ for example, then $H(X)$ is the Hilbert scheme $ Hilb(\mathbb P^n(\mathbb C))$.
However the problem is much more difficult for non algebraic $X$.
Douady solved it by massive use of Banach analytic manifolds, the most important of them being the grassmannian of complemented closed subspaces of a Banach space.
The thesis starts with the candid statement of its aim: "Le but de ce travail est de munir son auteur du grade de docteur-ès-sciences mathématiques et l'ensemble H(X) des sous espaces analytiques compacts de X d'une structure d'espace analytique", that is to endow its author with the title of doctor in mathematics and the the set H(X) of compact analytic subspaces of X with the structure of analytic space.