This elliptic curve $E: x^3 - ax$, where $$ a = 1609983754533564186692237854003906250000 = 2^4 5^{28} 73 \cdot 97 \cdot 2281 \cdot 390001 \cdot 428801, $$ has atthe integral $2$-torsion point $T = (0,0)$, plus at least $17$ pairs $\pm P = (x,\pm y)$ of nontorsion integral points, with $(x,y)$ as follows:
(-695070141601562500, 33447209632705688476562500000)
(2316289620532226562500, 111461304221023574829101562500000)
(-1577320410156250000, 50354105671882629394531250000)
(1020708122564697265625, 32584910670546829700469970703125) *
(-39433010253906250000, 46579627221641540527343750000)
(40828324902587890625, 48227820848605342864990234375) *
(43474893804931640625, 110347464366896152496337890625) *
(-20492969555664062500, 156163643848510742187500000000)
(-5623634204101562500, 94213113773239135742187500000)
(-154178930664062500, 15755059779357910156250000000)
(-39975982055664062500, 21815100375976562500000000000)
(-3450306250000000000, 74255386668395996093750000000)
(-40124306640625000000, 976627163925170898437500000)
(211550113970947265625, 3021093403700607776641845703125) *
(2520419030914306640625, 126518514595970671176910400390625) *
(318603088420664062500, 5641612672625483917968750000000) *
(19818207721836914062500, 2789945206846541022216796875000000) *
These are listed in order of increasing canonical height; the first six points are in pairs $P,P'$ of equal height, with each $P' = T - P$ where $T$ is the $2$-torsion point $(0,0)$$T=(0,0)$ as above. The list is probably complete: the heights ranged from $12.3$ to $30.3$, and none of the other $15000$ or so point pairs of height at most $100$ is integral.
As suggested in the commentary, proving that there are no other integral points is feasible but requires rather more effort than one would normally expend without having quite a good reason. Thanks to the presence of the $2$-torsion point (and some luck with the $2$-descent, as implemented in Cremona's mwrank), one can compute generators for the group of rational points on $E$. The rank of this group is $8$, which is large enough that the proof that there are no more integral points is not routine.
In case somebody does want to take on this computation, note that the equation for $E$ is not minimal due to the factors $2^4 5^{28} = 156250^4$ of $a$. For a minimal equation, write $(x,y) = (156250^2 x_0,156250^3 y_0)$ and divide through by $156250^4$ to get the minimal form $E_0: y_0^2 = x_0^3 - a_0^{\phantom0} x_0^{\phantom0}$ where $$a_0 = a / 156250^4 = 2701104520630058561.$$ Seven of the pairs $(x,\pm y)$ of integral points on $E$ become non-integral on $E_0$; those are marked with asterisks in the above list.