A scheme $X$ is reduced if and only if the natural map $$ \coprod_{x\in X}\mathrm{Spec} \kappa( x )\to X$$$$ \coprod_{x\in X}\operatorname{Spec} \kappa( x )\to X$$ is an epimorphism. So "reduced" is categorical, and so is $X\mapsto X_{red}$.
[EDIT to answer Martin's question:
If $X_{red}\subset X$ is an epimorphism, then it is an isomorphism; this is true for any closed immersion $X_{0}\subset X$, because closed immersions are equalizers. Indeed, let $I$ be the ideal sheaf, and let $p:Y\to X$ be the spectrum of the symmetric algebra $A$ of $I$. Then $p$ has a natural section $s$ deduced from the inclusion $I\subset\mathcal{O}_{x}$, and $X_0$ is the equalizer of $s$ and the zero section.]
Strong specializations (edited after Martin's comments):
Say a point $x\in X$ is a strong specialization of a point $y$ if there is a morphism $T\to X$ where $T$ is a connected two-point scheme, sending the closed point $a$ to $x$ and the generic point $b$ to $y$ (note that $T$ is automatically local, irreducible and one-dimensional).
This notion is categorical: to see this, it remains to distinguish $b$ from $a$ categorically on a scheme $T$ as above. We may assume $T$ reduced, and then there is only one monomorphism $Y\to T$ from a one-point scheme $Y$ with image $b$ and infinitely many with image $a$. (Proof: we have $T=\mathrm{Spec}\,R$ where $R$ is a 1-dimensional local domain with fraction field $K$ and residue field $k$. First, a morphism $Y\to T$ with image $b$ must factor through $\mathrm {Spec}\,(K)$$\operatorname{Spec}(K)$ (which is open), hence must be the inclusion if it is a monomorphism. Second, take some $t\neq0$ in the maximal ideal of $R$: then the closed immersions $\mathrm{Spec}\,(R/t^n)\to\mathrm{Spec}\,R$ ($n\geq1$)$\operatorname{Spec} (R/t^n)\to\operatorname{Spec}\ (n\geq1)$ are distinct monomorphisms with image $a$.)
As Martin points out, all specializations are strong on a locally noetherian scheme, but probably not in general.