THE CONJECTURE : B.Dwork conjectured that under these two conditions solvability + rationality of the exponents the equation should have a so called Frobenius structure (i.e. the existence of a Frobenius). This conjecture have been the object of a section in the paper of Y.André Filtrations de type Hasse–Arf et monodromie $p$-adique (section 7.2). This conjecture seems to havehas been (very recently) proved by Z.Mebkhout, you may find at the bottom of this post the reference.
NOTE : The conjecture is true for rank one differential modules over the Robba ring. This is due to B.Chiarellotto G.Christol in the case of polynomial coefficients, and to myself in the general case (I also have completely classified these equations, this provides an elementary but quite intricate class of examples) Rank one solvable $p$-adic differential equations and finite Abelian characters via Lubin–Tate groups.
@InCollection{zbMATH05504068, Author = {Mebkhout, Zoghman}, Title = {Frobenius structures and monodromy exponents of {{(p)}}-adic differential equations}, BookTitle = {Singularities I. Algebraic and analytic aspects. Proceedings of the international conference ``School and workshop on the geometry and topology of singularities'' in honor of the 60th birthday of L^e D~ung Tr'ang, Cuernavaca, Mexico, January 8--26, 2007}, ISBN = {978-0-8218-4458-8}, Pages = {175--243}, Year = {2008}, Publisher = {Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS)}, Language = {French}, Keywords = {12H25,14F40,11S20}, zbMATH = {5504068}, Zbl = {1175.12002} }