$\DeclareMathOperator{\Spec}{Spec}$ That should be read "B"$B$ is etale over A"$A$". This happens when the map from A->B$A\to B$ is an etale ring map, which means that its dual map is an etale morphism of affine schems from SpecB->SpecA$\Spec B \to \Spec A$, which is defined:
As with most things in ring theory, this condition is somewhat more trivial when A$A$ is a field $k$. We get flatness since the only stalk of specA$\Spec A$ is A $A$ (spec A$\Spec A$ has one point), which is a field, so all of its modules are free, and hence flat. Unramifiedness will not always hold, but it's also lot easier because k$k$ is a field. If k$k$ is of characteristic zero, the extension is automatically separable, so then we only need to restrict to it being finite.
There's a more direct definition which says that the morphism A->B$A\to B$ is a smooth ring map with relative dimension zero.
If you'd like to read a section on them in more generality, you can check out Stacks-Git Chapter 7 section 85 (7.85) on page 366 Project Tag 00U0.
I'm sure it's also in Hartshorne.