Added 22, November:
I've succeeded in making the question entirely unintelligible with all my additions.
So I thought I would summarize it in the simplest form I could manage and add it to the title. The question is thereby somewhat narrower in scope than my original query, but I would be happy to have this focused version answered.
The main point is that the loose answer
(A) because the outer shell is filled
frequently heard is definitely wrong. If we take the usual definition of a shell, all the noble gases but Helium have just
the s and p subshells (corresponding to the representations $V_0\otimes S$ and $V_1\otimes S$)
filled in the outermost shell, and this is not a full shell once the atom is bigger than Argon.
The wikipedia article on noble gases offers an amusing formulation whereby, for
a noble gas, 'the outer shell of valence electrons is considered to be "full"' (my emphasis).
All this led to my initial confusion: I thought that the term 'shell' must mean something
else for multi-electron systems in a manner adapted to the answer (A). Such an alternative definition
does not seem to exist, and it is not at all obvious how to come up with
one in a non-tautological way. So I believe the essence of what
I am asking is whether or not there is
a natural mathematical explanation for the stability
of noble gases
that is more or less independent of experiments
confirmed by difficult computations using approximation schemes.
Anyone interested in the background and details is invited to read the incoherent paragraphs below,
or to look up a proper reference like Atkin's book on physical chemistry.