Each graph can be uniquelly represented as an adjacency matrix. This is simply an nxn matrix of values 0,1. Each graph can therefore be expressed uniquely as a string of length n^2 by sequentially concatenating each line. Graphs with cycles and directed graphs are also uniquely represented.
The complete graph of degree 3 can be expressed as 011-101-110 -> 011101110
The graph with Nodes {1,2,3} and edges {{1, 2},{1,3}} can be expressed as 011-100-100 -> 011100100
From this representation and from kolmogorov complexity certain statements become evident.
(1) For any other representation of graphs, there exists a constant c such that the conditional kolgomorov complexity on this representation saves at most c bits from the kolmogorov complexity from adjacency matrix.
(2) Sparse graphs are highly compressible (adjacency matrix of sparse graph contain a lot of zeroes versus very few ones)
(3) Programif all you care about is about equivalency classes between graphs.
Program p1(n) := find the nth graph g such that no graph preceding (in my representation) is isomorphic,.
Program p2(n) := find the smallest graph that is isomorphic to the graph n.
program p3(n) := find the n' such that p1(n') = p2(n)
p3 is the function that compresses a graph
p1 is the decompression function