Let $\overline{NE}(X)$ be the closure of the cone generated by the numerical classes of effective curves and $\overline{\mathrm{Mov}}(X)$ the closure of the cone of moving curves.
(Q1Q) Is there an example of a smooth projective variety $X$ such that
- $\overline{NE}(X)$ is (finite) polyhedral, but
- $\overline{\mathrm{Mov}}(X)$ is not?
Here are some trivial observation:
If $X$ is a surface then the two cones are dual to each other and hence they are either both polyhedral or not.
If $X$ is a Fano variety then
- $\overline{NE}(X)$ is polyhedral by the Cone Theorem, and
- $\overline{\mathrm{Mov}}(X)$ is polyhedral if $\dim \leq4$ by a result of Barkowski if $\dim \leq4$ (see here) and by [BCHM] in general.
So, perhaps I should really ask:
(Q2) Is it true that $\overline{NE}(X)$ is polyhedral if and only if $\overline{\mathrm{Mov}}(X)$ is polyhedral?
If true, this would (for example) provide a proof of Barkowski's result in all dimensions.