The answer is "no" because in general there does not even exist a neighbourhood $U$ of your submanifold that holomorphically retracts to the submanifold.
In In fact Finnur Lárusson has [proved] 1 theproved the following (warning: I have kept his notations, so as to faithfully quote him. In particular $[X]$ is $\mathcal O(X)$, the line bundle on $M$ associated to the divisor $X$)
Theorem. Let $X$ be a connected hypersurface in a compact complex manifold M $M$ of dimension at least $2$. If
(1) $H^0 (M, TM) = 0$
(2) $dim H^0(M; [X]) \geq 2$, and
(3) $H^1(M; [X]^{-1} \otimes TM) = 0$,
- $H^0 (M, TM) = 0$
- $\dim H^0(M, [X]) \geq 2$, and
- $H^1(M, [X]^{\vee} \otimes TM) = 0$,
then no neighbourhood of $X$ retracts holomorphically onto $X$.
Note that the hypotheses are very easy to satisfy: (1) holds for $K3$ surfaces for example and (2), (3) will follow from $X$ being sufficiently ample.
Here is a freely downloadable version of Lárusson's article, from his homepage.