Re the edit: I believe your best bet is to work locally. First of all, you didn't mention which Galois representation you wanted exactly; let's say you want the representation on $H^i$ of your variety for a given $i$. Let's assume this space has dimension $d$.
Step 1. For each prime $p$ at which your variety $V$ has good reduction, you can compute the local zeta function of $V/\mathbf{F}_p$ by counting points on $V(\mathbf{F}_{p^n})$ for $n\geq 0$. In this way you can compute the action of the $p^n$th power Frobenius on $H^i(V\otimes\overline{\mathbf{F}}_p,\mathbf{F}_5)$ for various primes $p$.
Step 2. Do this enough so that you can gather up information on the statistics of how often the Frobenius at $p$ lands in each conjugacy class in the group $\text{GL}_d(\mathbf{F}_5)$. In this way you could guess the conjugacy class of the image of Galois inside $\text{GL}_d(\mathbf{F}_5)$.
Step 3. Now your job is to find a table of number fields $F$ whose splitting field has Galois group equal to the group you found in the previous step. I found a table here: You already know which primes ramify in $K$ -- these are at worst the primes of bad reduction of $V$ together with 5 -- and you can distinguish your $F$ from the other number fields by the splitting behavior your found in Step 1. Then $K$ is the splitting field of $F$.
A caveat: Step 1 may well take you a very long time, because unless your variety has some special structure or symmetry to it, counting points on $V$ is Hard.
Another caveat: Step 3 might be impossible if $d$ is large. If $d$ is 2 then perhaps you're ok, because there might be a degree 8 number field $F$ whose splitting field has Galois group $\text{GL}_2(\mathbf{F}_5)$. If $d$ is large you might be out of luck here.
You are free not to accept this answer because of the above caveats but I really do think you've asked a hell of a tough question here!