This is not as up to the minute as the beautifully detailed thesis linked in the answer above, but just a couple of historical comments.
Such a 2 point ramified double cover occurs from an unramified one when a loop shrinks to a point, which... let's see now, does intersect [I believe] the loop on which the double cover is based. Then I believe the induced double cover of the normalized curve is ramified at the 2 points over the singular point.
Vice versa, 2 point ramified double covers are a subcase of Beauville's "star - double covers" of curves with one node. E.g. 2 point ramified covers of genus 5 curves are a special case of Beauville's "star - double covers" of genus 6 curves with one node.
Anyway such ramified double covers have thus been studied by Wirtinger in the 19th century, and also explicitly by Fay, I believe in his book on theta functions, as well as more generally by Beauville.