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http -> https (the question has been bumped anyway)
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Martin Sleziak
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Contemporary work in biology has lots of examples. With the wealth of sequencing data coming out of the machines at ever lower costs there is a huge need for new methods and models to analyze and understand the data.

Google is another good example. Better (or even acceptable) internet search was desired and it took a mathematical advancemathematical advance to move the technology forward.

Contemporary work in biology has lots of examples. With the wealth of sequencing data coming out of the machines at ever lower costs there is a huge need for new methods and models to analyze and understand the data.

Google is another good example. Better (or even acceptable) internet search was desired and it took a mathematical advance to move the technology forward.

Contemporary work in biology has lots of examples. With the wealth of sequencing data coming out of the machines at ever lower costs there is a huge need for new methods and models to analyze and understand the data.

Google is another good example. Better (or even acceptable) internet search was desired and it took a mathematical advance to move the technology forward.

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Contemporary work in biology has lots of examples. With the wealth of sequencing data coming out of the machines at ever lower costs there is a huge need for new methods and models to analyze and understand the data.

Google is another good example. Better (or even acceptable) internet search was desired and it took a mathematical advance to move the technology forward.