The basic fact about locally compact groups is that you can recover the topology from the underlying measure space:
This is because, for any measurable subset $X\subset G$ of positive measure, the set $$ X^{-1}X:=\{x^{-1}y\\,|\\,x\in X, y\in Y\} $$$$ X^{-1}X:=\{x^{-1}y\mid x\in X, y\in X\} $$ is a neighborhood of the neutral element. Letting $X$ vary along all measurable subsetsubsets of positive measure you get a basis of neighborhoods of $e\in G$. By translating by group elements, you get a basis of neighborhoods of any element $g\in G$. And so you recover the topology on $G$.
Since the topology is entirely encoded in the measurable structure, an automorphism that respects the measurable structure, will also respect the topology, i.e., be continuous.