Here is an example of a Moishezon manifold which is easy to visualize. Take a high degree (e.g. a quintic) hypersurface $Z$ in $\mathbb{P}^{4}$ which has a single ordinary double point. Let $X$ be a small resolution of $Z$. Explicitly, a small analytic neighborhood of the singularity can be identified with the vertex of a cone over a two dimensional quadric and you just need to blow-up the Weil divisor which is the preimage of one ruling. The threefold $X$ is compact complex manifold and does not admit any Kaehler structure. The last statement follows for instance from a theorem of SmithhSmith-Thomas-Yau which states that a threefold with a single node will admit a symplectic small resolution only if the three sphere that vanishes at the node is homologous to zero. The high degree condition on $Z$ ensures that the vanishing cycle is not homologous to zero, hence the statement.