This is explained in "Principles of Algebraic Geometry," by Griffiths & Harris, p42.
Given a simplicial decomposition of your space, associate each vertex vα$v_\alpha$ with its star Uα$U_\alpha$, where the star means the union of interiors of the simplices that contain it. This gives an open cover {Uα}$\{U_\alpha\}$ where the intersection of p open sets is nonempty precisely when the corresponding vertices span a p-simplex. So a p-cochain maps (Uα1, ..., Uαp) to$(U_{\alpha_1},\dots,U_{\alpha_p})$ to a nonzero section of the coefficient sheaf only if {vα1, ..., vαp}$\{v_{\alpha_1},\dots,v_{\alpha_p}\}$ span a simplex.