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John Pardon
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Spanier-Whitehead dual and Hopf fibration

Consider a map of spheres $f:S^n\to S^m$ covered by a map of trivial $\mathbb R^k$-bundles. In other words, we take the trivial rank $k$ vector bundle over $S^m$ and pull it to $S^n$ via $f$. Consider the corresponding map of the Thom spaces, and its Spanier-Whitehead dual. How is the dual related to $f$?

The test case I care about is when $f$ is the Hopf fibration $S^3\to S^2$. Then I think the dual can be represented by a map $F:\Sigma^{r+1}(S^2_+)\to\Sigma^r (S^3_+)$ where $X_+$ means $X$ disjoint union a point, and $\Sigma^s$ is $s$-fold suspension. Thus $F$ can be thought of as a map $S^{r+3}{\vee} S^{r+1}\to S^{r+3}{\vee} S^r$. What is this map?