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Mar 11, 2011 at 1:22 comment added George McNinch Dear Shenghao, first consider the case where $G$ has a faithful simple representation $L$. The unipotent radical $R$ of $G$ must have a non-0 fixed point in $L$, and $G$ leaves invariant the $R$-fixed points $L^R$. Since $L$ is simple for $G$, conclude $L = L^R$ so that $R$ acts trivially on $L$. Since $L$ is faithful for $G$, $R=1$. In the general case, can view $G$ as a subgroup of $\prod_i GL(L_i)$ for simple $G$-modules $L_i$. Now the image of $R$ in each $GL(L_i)$ is trivial, so indeed $R$ is trivial.
Mar 10, 2011 at 23:43 comment added shenghao Dear George, thank you for providing the answer (which also solves my concern in earlier comment). Can you explain a bit more about why the unipotent radical of $G$ is trivial as soon as $G$ has a faithful semisimple rep.?
Mar 10, 2011 at 23:40 vote accept shenghao
Mar 10, 2011 at 0:23 history answered George McNinch CC BY-SA 2.5