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Feb 26, 2011 at 17:45 comment added Ryan Budney @Sandor, papers are not rejected solely for being wrong, they are rejected sometimes for not fitting the current situation of the journal. AByer's comment "I know a case where this happened" is kind of conspiratorial. I can also give you cases where the editors were happy to know the paper was rejected at another journal and why -- it allows them to perhaps take that into account and either use the previous referee's comments as a basis for acceptance or to seek out a new referee. If you submit to a journal and give no history, it's very likely the editor will find the previous referee.
Feb 22, 2011 at 13:00 comment added Arend Bayer I also think this just has downsides. It could also be the case that after getting rejected by journal A, you submit to journal B, which you and the referee consider to be an inferior journal. However, the editors believe their journal B is on par with journal A (or wants to increase it's standard and from now on be on par with A - and which journal doesn't want to raise its profile), and thus the paper gets rejected automatically. I am not inventing this problem, I know of a case where this happened. (In this case, the editors incidentally knew that the paper had been submitted to journal A.)
Feb 22, 2011 at 3:19 comment added Sándor Kovács Ryan, I don't understand how mentioning where it was rejected from would make things different other than planting the bug in the editor's ear that there is something wrong with this paper. Since the new editor is likely different than the previous one, this one has no way of knowing who had been asked to referee this paper earlier. So it could go to the same referee and you could be still "persecuted" aided by your own damning of the paper at the start. I bet many editors, if they knew who refereed the paper before, would ask the same referee if they think it is appropriate for their journal.
Feb 22, 2011 at 0:05 comment added José Figueroa-O'Farrill Or you could always resubmit to Rejecta Mathematica :)
Feb 21, 2011 at 22:22 history answered Ryan Budney CC BY-SA 2.5