Still more: While the relation of the two topologies on $\pi_1$ might be not so easy to comprehend, the topology of the quotient uniformity on $\pi_1$ relates in a seemingly more comprehensible way directly to the topologized Steenrod $\pi_1$ (whose relation to the fundamental pro-group is clear). The Steenrod $\pi_1(X)$ can be defined as
$\pi_1(\holim P_i)$$\pi_1(holim P_i)$, where the compact metrizable space $X$ is the inverse limit of the polyhedra $P_i$ and $P_0=pt$. (If $P_0\ne pt$ we can shift the indices by one and add a new $P_0$, namely $pt$.) If you think about the construction of $\holim$$holim$, you will see that $\pi_1(\holim P_i)$$\pi_1(holim P_i)$ is the set of equivalence classes of level-preserving base-ray-preserving maps $S^1\times [0,\infty)\to P_{[0,\infty)}$ under the relation of level-preserving base-ray-preserving homotopy, where $P_{[0,\infty)}$ denotes the mapping telescope of the inverse sequence $\dots\to P_1\to P_0$ (glued out of the mapping cylinders $P_{[i,i+1]}$ of the individual bonding maps). Since $P_0=pt$, "level-preserving" can in fact be replaced by "proper" (see Lemma 2.5 in "Steenrod homotopy"). In other words, the Steenrod $\pi_1(X)$ is the set of equivalence classes of base-ray preserving maps from $D^2$ to the one-point compactification $P_{[0,\infty)}^+$ of the mapping telescope such that the preimage of the point at infinity is precisely the center of the disk (and nothing else).
Now it is not hard to see that the topology on the Steenrod $\pi_1(X)$ (induced from the inverse limit topology on the Cech $\pi_1(X)$) is precisely the topology of the quotient
uniformity.the topology on the Steenrod $\pi_1(X)$ (induced from the inverse limit topology on the Cech $\pi_1(X)$ ) is precisely the topology of the quotient uniformity. The uniformity is on a subspace of the space of all continuous (=uniformly continuous) maps from $D^2$ to $P_{[0,\infty)}^+$, and so it is the subspace uniformity (of the uniformity of uniform convergence).
The continuous map from $\pi_1(X)$ with the topology of the quotient uniformity to the Steenrod $\pi_1(X)$ is given by Milnor's lemma (see Lemma 2.1 in Steenrod homotopy): every map $S^1\to X$ extends to a level-preserving map $S^1\x [0,\infty]\to P_{[0,\infty]}$$S^1\times [0,\infty]\to P_{[0,\infty]}$, where $P_{[0,\infty]}$ is Milnor's compactification of the mapping telescope by a copy of $X$, and this extension is well-defined up to homotopy through such extensions. Also close maps have close extensions (from the proof of Milnor's lemma). The quotient $P_{[0,\infty]}/X$ is homeomorphic to $P_{[0,\infty]}^+$, so the close extensions descend to close representatives of elements of the Steenrod $\pi_1$.