As Franscesco's answer shows, there are counterexamplesis a standard counterexample to your problem.
However, if you put some mild restrictions on the subvarieties, the answer is yes.
One of Hartshorne's old conjectures states thatasks if the following is true:
If $X$ and $Y$ are subvarieties of $Z$ with ample normal bundles $N_{X|Z}$, $N_{Y|Z}$ and $\dim X+\dim Y=\dim Z$, then $X$ and $Y$ have non-empty intersection.
In $\mathbb{P}^n$ the above conditions on the normal bundles are automatic (since they are a quotient of the tangent bundle of $\mathbb{P}^n$, which is ample), but in the general case, the ampleness of the normal bundles is a natural requirement. Hartshorne's conjecture has been proved by Lubke for any homgenoushomogeneous variety, so in particular for any grassmannianGrassmannian. SeeFor the proof, see
Martin Lübke, Beweis einer Vermutung von Hartshorne für den Fall homogener Mannigfaltigkeiten., Crelles Journal, 1980.
The general Hartshorne's conjecture is however still open, although there is somemore evidence supporting it. SeeFor a survey, see the recent paper by Peternell: Submanifolds with ample normal bundles and a conjecture of Hartshorne