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Post Closed as "Opinion-based" by Joseph Van Name, Alexey Ustinov, Ben McKay, user6976, Chris Godsil
Post Made Community Wiki by Anonymous
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Can breadth hurt a job candidate?

I am a junior mathematician, currently on the job market. I have been involved in a number of projects spread over several very different topics of mathematics, some being very mathematical projects that appeared in computer science theory forums (I do not consider TCS my specialty).

I had thought that breadth would make me an appealing job candidate (if I work in two areas, I can apply to jobs listed in both!). However, it was recently mentioned to me that this might be viewed negatively as 'lack of focus' and even hurt my job prospects. Another criticism I have heard is that a research group in area X might be reluctant to hire me out of fear that I'm really more interested in area Y. I have been most troubled by recently witnessing a member of the hiring committee at my current university demonstrated a complete ignorance of TCS forums (i.e. not knowing what FOCS is). I assume this means that this individual would value such publications negligibly at best (in contrast, I'd expect/hope that he would be able to identify the a top journal in an area of math outside his expertise).

Can any mathoverflowers either confirm or dispel these concerns? How do committees evaluate candidates with work in multiple areas (and/or reaching into other fields)? I am also interested in hearing how others have marketed themselves in similar situations.