I have often seen discussions of what actions to take in the context of rare events in terms of expected value. For example, if a lottery has a 1 in 100 million chance of winning, and delivers a positive expected profit, then one "should" buy that lottery ticket. Or, in a an asteroid has a 1 in 1 billion chance of hitting the Earth and thereby extinguishing all human life, then one "should" take the trouble to destroy that asteroid.
This type of reasoning troubles me.
Typically, the justification for considering expected value is based on the Law of Large Numbers, namely, if one repeatedly experiences events of this type, then with high probability the average profit will be close to the expected profit. Hence expected profit would be a good criterion for decisions about common events. However, for rare events, this type of reasoning is not valid. For example, the number of lottery tickets I will buy in my lifetime is far below the asymptotic regime of the law of large numbers.
Is there any justification for using expected value alone as a criterion in these types of rare events?
EDIT: As many have pointed out, the article in Slate discusses many issues, and it is not fair to say that this article subscribes to this point of view. However, there are other sources which do appear to subscribe to it.