YesAs others have said, the proof of Three Squares using the ((Aubry-)Davenport-)Cassels Lemma is a very prominent one nowadays. $ $ But this was not the original proof, and if you look in a number theory text written before 1980 or so that is not Serre's Course in Arithmetic, if they give a proof at all (and some do!) it will not be this one. In fact when I first taught an elementary number theory course in early 2007 I suggested a proof of 3ST as a (rather challenging) final project, and one student, Ben Wyser, did so and wrote up an elementary proof. I would have some trouble finding his paper now (he is completing his PhD this year; maybe I should ask him for another copy soon), but for instance he might have used the text Sums of squares of integers by Moreno and Wagstaff as a reference. These types of proofs unfortunately have the character of many elementary proofs in number theory that it took me a long time to realize that I found discouraging: almost any given step in the argument follows easily enough, but when you look back at the entire argument and ask "What is really going on here?" it is far from clear.
(ProofIf you happen to be in possession of more advanced number theoretic knowledge and tools, it can be an interesting challenge to "unrewrite" these elementary proofs using language and concepts that makes more sense to you. But if you are an undergraduate student who is any less brilliant than the handful of students who are prominent on this site, I say good luck with that!)
The reason that I am writing this answer now though is that I recently read a very nice paper: e
MR0304334 (46 #3469)
Wójcik, Jan
On sums of three squares.g
Colloq. DavenportMath. 24 (1971/72), Cassels117–119.
The author gives a short proof of Gauss's theorem that a positive integer $n$, Serrenot of the form $4^a(8b+7)$, Weilis expressible as a sum (1) $n=x^2+y^2+z^2$ of three squares. As did N. C. Ankeny [Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 8 (1957), Buzzard316--319; MR0085275 (19, Bartel15d)] and meL. J. Mordell [Rev. Math. Pures Appl. 3 (1958), 25--27; MR0122778 (23 #A117)] the author uses Minkowski's convex body theorem, in this case (together with the corresponding results for two squares) to show that it is sufficient to solve (1) for square free n in rationals $x,y,z$. He does this by choosing $\beta$ and (by "Dirichlet's theorem'') a prime $q \equiv 1 \pmod 4$ such that Lagrange's conditions for the solubility of $nu^2−v^2−2^\beta q w^2=0$ can be satisfied. (review by G. Greaves)
Some comments:
I had to (grumble) actually go into my university library to read the print copy of this paper: I wish I had an electronic copy...
I'm not sure why there are quotation marks around Dirichlet's Theorem: this is the theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions, due indeed to P.G.L. Dirichlet! But anyway, "Dirichlet's Theorem" is certainly a deep theorem in number theory which has "elementary" proofs in the weird technical sense of our field but no proof really easier than the usual character theory / Dirichlet L-function argument, so far as I know. It also uses Fermat's Two Squares Theorem and Legendre's Theorem. What it does not use is:
(i) the Hasse-Minkowski theory (it never mentions $p$-adic anything!), or
(ii) the ADC proof of the fact that an integer which is a sum of three rational squares is also a sum of three integral squares (i.e., the one which observes that $x^2+y^2+z^2$ satisfies a Euclidean property and that this suffices). Instead Wojcik gives a very classical geometry of numbers proof, which superficially at least looks different. (I am currently leading a graduate research group in geometry of numbers and applications to quadratic forms, and I have a student looking at Wojcik's argument to see whether it generalizes to other "ADC forms".)
The fact that the proof uses Two Squares, Legendre's Theorem on Conics and Dirichlet's Theorem but not $p$-adic methods was a small miracle to me, because it happens that in my elementary number theory course I do indeed cover the first three topics but not the last. So I recently stitched together a proof of the Three Squares Theorem that uses first the ADC argument to establish that $x^2+y^2+z^2$ is an ADC form and then Wojcik's argument to show exactly which integers it represents. You can find this argument in $\S 2$ of these notes.