much later The graph PP(7,3) actually has 10 associate classes. I had fun so here are the details. A disclaimer, I'm sure that group representation methods are much more efficient if one knows how to use them.I found the classes by making the 210 by 210 adjacency matrix then raising it to the 4th power. Of the 44100 entries, 10 distinct values occur and they reveal what the classes are (although once you know it is obvious!). Then the adjacency matrix (or simple combinatorics) reveals the numbers. The relation depends on the number of entries equal in value and in the same place and also the number of entries equal but not in the same place. Kind of like mastermind with 3 pegs, 7 colors, and no repeated colors allowedAnd then more. Here is one representative of each associate classNote that with respect to 123:, both 214 and 241 have one new symbol, but 123 and 214 are at distance 4 (say 123 124 154 254 214) while 123 143 243 241 is a distance 3 path.
distance 2: 132 134 145
distance 3: 214 231 234 245 456 132
distance 4: 214 231
distance 0: 123 (itself)
distance 1: 124
distance 2: 145 134
distance 3: 132 456 451 432
distance 4: 214 231
Each vertex (such as u=123) is adjacent to 12 other vertices. If v is a vertex in class i with respect to u then row i in this matrix shows in column j how many of the 12 neighbors of u are in class j with respect to v. Then we find that the eigenvalues of this small matrix are [12,8,5,4,3,1,0,-3,-3,-3] The repeated eigenvalue -3 was what made me suspect that there were 8 classes.
$$ \left[ \begin {array}{cccccccccc} 0&12&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0 \\ 1&3&0&2&6&0&0&0&0&0\\ 0&0&0&8&0 &4&0&0&0&0\\ 0&1&1&3&3&0&0&1&3&0 \\ 0&2&0&2&4&0&0&0&2&2\\ 0&0&1&0&0 &3&0&2&6&0\\ 0&0&0&0&0&0&0&12&0&0 \\ 0&0&0&1&0&1&1&3&6&0\\ 0&0&0&1&1 &1&0&2&5&2\\ 0&0&0&0&3&0&0&0&6&3\end {array} \right] $$ `
Further$$ \left[ \begin {array}{cccccccccc} 0&12&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0 \\ 1&3&6&2&0&0&0&0&0&0\\ 0&2&4&2&0 &2&2&0&0&0\\ 0&1&3&3&1&0&3&1&0&0 \\ 0&0&0&8&0&0&0&0&4&0\\ 0&0&3&0&0 &3&6&0&0&0\\ 0&0&1&1&0&2&5&2&1&0 \\ 0&0&0&1&0&0&6&3&1&1\\ 0&0&0&0&1 &0&6&2&3&0\\ 0&0&0&0&0&0&0&12&0&0\end {array}\right] $$ Further analysis is possible, such as finding nice eigenvectors and substructures, but I still suspect that someone knows all this.